Multi Dice
{Introduction }
Build a multi-player dice game using the radio. The radio blocks let you send wireless messages between a micro:bit and another micro:bit.
In this game, you shake to “throw the dice” and send the result to the other micro:bit. If you receive a result of a dice throw equal or greater than yours, you lose.
{Dice game}
Let’s start by rebuilding the dice game. If you are unsure about the details, try the dice tutorial again.
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
basic.showNumber(randint(1, 6))
{Dice variable}
We need to store the result of the dice cast in a variable. A variable is like a place in the memory of the micro:bit where you save information, like numbers.
- Go to the Variables toolbox and click
Make a Variable
to create a new variable. We will call it dice. - Add a
||variables:set dice to||
block and drag the||math:pick random||
into it. - Drag a
variable from the Variables toolbox into the||basic:show number||
let dice = 0
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
dice = randint(1, 6)
{Send the dice}
Put in a ||radio:send number||
and a ||variables:dice||
to send the value stored in the ||variables:dice||
variable via radio. Make sure to add a ||radio:set group||
to ||basic:on start||
with the group number set to the group you want to use.
let dice = 0
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
dice = randint(1, 6)
{Receive the dice}
Go get an ||radio:on received number||
event block. This event runs when a radio message from another micro:bit arrives. The ||variables:receivedNumber||
value is the value of the dice in this game.
radio.onReceivedNumber(function (receivedNumber) {
{Check your cast}
Add a ||logic:if||
block to test if ||variables:receivedNumber||
is greater or equal to ||variables:dice||
If is, you lost so display a sad face on the screen.
let dice = 0;
radio.onReceivedNumber(function (receivedNumber) {
if (receivedNumber >= dice) {
{Test it!}
Try pressing SHAKE in the simulator and see that a second micro:bit appears. You can play the game on both virtual boards.
If you have more than one micro:bit, download your code onto each one and try playing the game with your friends!
let dice = 0
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
dice = randint(1, 6)
radio.onReceivedNumber(function (receivedNumber) {
if (receivedNumber >= dice) {