Micro Chat
{Introduction }
Use the micro:bit 📻 radio to send and receive 💬 messages between micro:bits!
{Step 1}
From the ||radio:Radio||
Toolbox category, drag a ||radio:radio set group||
block into the ||basic:on start||
block. This will act as the channel over which we’ll send messages. Only micro:bits who are in the same group will be able to send and receive messages between them.
{Step 2}
From the ||input:Input||
Toolbox category, drag an ||input:on button A pressed||
block onto the Workspace.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function() {})
{Step 3}
From the ||radio:Radio||
category, drag a ||radio:radio send string||
block into the ||input:on button A pressed||
block and type a message. When we press button A on our micro:bit, we’ll send this message to every micro:bit nearby in group 1.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function() {
radio.sendString("Micro Chat!")
{Step 4}
From the ||radio:Radio||
category, drag an ||radio:on radio received string||
block onto the Workspace.
radio.onReceivedString(function (receivedString) {
{Step 5}
From the ||basic:Basic||
category, get a ||basic:show string||
block and drop it in the ||radio:on radio received string||
radio.onReceivedString(function (receivedString) {
{Step 6}
Pull the ||variables:receivedString||
variable block out of the ||radio:on received string||
block and put it into the ||basic:show string||
block replacing “Hello!”
radio.onReceivedString(function (receivedString) {
{Step 7}
Let’s test our code! In the micro:bit on-screen simulator, press button A. You should see a second micro:bit appear. Now try pressing A again. Do you see your message appear on the second micro:bit? ⭐ Great job! ⭐
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function() {
radio.sendString("Micro Chat!");
radio.onReceivedString(function (receivedString) {
{Step 8}
If you have a micro:bit device, connect it to your computer and click the |Download|
button. Follow the instructions to transfer your code onto the micro:bit. If you have two micro:bits, download the program to each one. Press button A on one and see if the other gets the message!
{Step 9}
Go further - try using different buttons to send a mix of messages 📝, or send secret 🔒 messages to different radio groups!