Love Meter

{Introduction }

How much love 😍 are you emitting today? Create a πŸ’“ LOVE METER πŸ’“ machine with your micro:bit!

Love meter banner message

{Step 1}

We’ll use this ||input:on pin pressed|| block to run code when pin 0 on the micro:bit is pressed. From the ||basic:Basic|| Toolbox category, drag a ||basic:show number|| block and drop into the ||input:on pin pressed|| block.

input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, function() {

{Step 2}

From the ||math:Math|| category, get a ||Math:pick random|| block and drop it into the ||basic:show number|| block replacing 0.

input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, function() {
    basic.showNumber(randint(0, 100))

{Step 3}

Now let’s be sure to label our Love Machine! From the ||basic:Basic|| Toolbox category, drag an ||basic:on start|| block and drop it anywhere on the Workspace. Then get a ||basic:show string|| block and place it in the ||basic:on start|| block. Type the words β€œLOVE METER” into the ||basic:show string|| block.

basic.showString("LOVE METER")
input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, function() {
    basic.showNumber(randint(0, 100))

{Step 4}

Let’s test our code. Press Pin 0 on the micro:bit on-screen simulator (bottom left). Numbers between 0-25 = πŸ–€ No Love, 26-50 = 🫢 BFF Love, 51-75 = πŸ’˜ Brokenhearted Love, 76-100 = πŸ’–πŸ”₯ Fiery Hot Love!

{Step 5}

If you have a micro:bit device, connect it to your computer and click the |Download| button. Follow the instructions to transfer your code onto the micro:bit. Once your code has been downloaded, hold the GND pin with one hand and touch the 0 pin with the other hand. Your micro:bit πŸ’“ LOVE METER πŸ’“ machine will detect the love current flowing through your body!

randint(0, 100)
# BlocksExistValidator
input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, function() {})